'Capturing the true essence of the breed'

l> Breed Mate 4 Generation Pedigree

Pedigree of: MBoss Litter -  born June 12 2003
1 Gold Boy, 2 Gold Girls, 3 Black Girls

Jyndel Osten Powers Aust Ch Macdolly Ostentatious Donnas Year Anda Day Aust Ch Sophflaire Gold Sand Spicnspan Hesome Boy
Ayandbe Sunsilk
Donnas Elegance Greenglen Suntop
Slyvkin London Pride
Aust. Ch Macdolly Miss Kimberly Aust Ch Appintiki Fire Away Aust Ch Appintiki Hes Sambo
Feddan Amber Tiama
Ch & NZ Ch Appintiki Karisma Lynfield Gold Banner (Imp NZ)
Appintiki Luvstar
Aust Ch Jollybonsue Dark Angel Aust Ch Tarcrest Laugh a Minute Aust Ch Clarevale Lochdene Laugh (IID) Canigou Mr Happy
Lochdene Limited Edition (Imp UK)
Mistduke Black Sweetness Mistduke Regal Lad
Mistduke Golden Glory
Jollybonsue Gold Cameo Jollybonsue Spicy Nights Classicway Commissionair (Imp UK)
Marsden Sweet Thyme
Jollybonsue Luv In Gold Aust Ch Sophflaire Gold Sand
Ayandbe Seranade
Sherebliss Dina Goldtag Look Me Over Aust Ch Goldtag The Secrets Out Aust Ch Arrunga Abrade Aust Ch Arrunga Artisan
Kerbrook Xmas Holly (IID) (Imp NZ)
Goldtag Call Me Casey Aust Ch Beaubonange Little Boomer
Liyambai Coral
Liyambai Coral Lynfield Gold Banner (Imp NZ) Sorbrook Ambassador (imp UK)
Lynfield Goldilocks (Imp NZ)
Arrunga Inyanga Hunny Brightleaf Gold Blend
Arrunga Amelia
Aust Ch Goldtag Visionof Luv Lehearn Luv Man Aust Ch Cabal The Luv Machine Aust Ch Marsden Blue Venture
Aust Ch Creole Catbaloue
Aust Ch Lehearn Guenevere My Lady Aust Ch Brightleaf Spell Binder
Lehearn Lady Be Good
Liyambai Coral Lynfield Gold Banner
 (Imp NZ)
NZ Ch Sorbrook Ambassador (imp UK)
Lynfield Goldilocks (Imp NZ)
Arrunga Inyanga Hunny Brightleaf Gold Blend
Arrunga Amelia


Sherebliss Cocker Spaniels - Mrs Tracie Stradling,  Mobile Phone: 0409 273 032,  Narangba,  Brisbane,  Australia